Loch Lomond Yacht Club
Sunday, August 7
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Dear Neighbor,
The Board of the Bayside Acres Neighborhood Association (BANA) invites you to join us at this year’s BANA Summer Party at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club. It’s a fun, casual way to meet your neighbors, hear what’s going on in the neighborhood, and enjoy barbecued burgers (meat and veggie) and hot dogs on the deck of the clubhouse! A full no-host bar will also be available for those who enjoy a beer, wine, or cocktails. We will have a special SRFD guest to discuss how to prepare for, and what to do when, a wildfire happens.
PLEASE RSVP BY Monday, August 1, 2022, by going to the 2022 Annual BBQ Party Sign-up page and filling out the online form. If you cannot access the online form, contact the BANA Secretary, Laurie Favaro, at 45 Main Drive, favo4@comcast.net, or (415) 459-5535.
This event is for members of BANA and their guests. It is free for up to two residents per member residence plus children under 5 years-of-age. Cost is $5/person for additional guests and $10/person for guests or residents without an advanced reservation.
Membership in BANA is voluntary and annual dues are $10/residence. Those residences that have not yet paid their annual membership dues can send in their dues payment to Abbie Urban, BANA Treasurer, 30 Bayview Drive, or pay them at the party. If you are unsure if you have paid, contact Alan Schaevitz webmaster@baysideacres.org or call 775-771-6789.
Manny Albano, SRFD Defensible Space Program Manager, will join us for a Firewise talk including:
- Misconceptions about wildfire
- Emergency response to wildfires is different than structure fires
- Bayview Fire Road Vegetation Fire Management/Fuel Reduction in the Open Space and China Camp State Park
- How our fuel reduction efforts helped in the Lassen and Lincoln Hill fires in San Rafael last year
- What can you do to save your home?
- Grant opportunities
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your Bayside Acres Neighborhood Association Board