SAVE THE DATE: Bayside Acres Evacuation Drill on July 23, 2022

Dear Neighbors,

Despite our best Firewise efforts to clear defensible space and harden our homes, we all know that we need to be ready for a worst case wildfire emergency scenario. Wind-blown embers can travel a mile or more. So regardless of whether we live at the top of Bayside Acres bordering the San Pedro Mountain Open Space and China Camp State Park or down on the water’s edge in Chicken Point we need to be prepared. Our partner, FIRESafe Marin, is now requesting that all Firewise neighborhoods in Marin hold a wildfire evacuation drill once a year. 

Our Bayside Acres drill will give us the chance to practice and improve the time it takes to ready our homes and load up our cars for a quick departure with our families, pets and valuables. We won’t actually leave our driveways, but our drill will help us plan for, and execute, an emergency evacuation while we have the luxury of time.

We have scheduled our drill for Saturday July  23rd at 10 am. We will be emailing more details about how to pack Go-Bags, prepare your pets, home and checklists. There will be a Zoom meeting Thursday, June 30th at Noon to help you prepare, and another July 23rd at Noon after the drill for a post-mortem. Please mark the dates on your calendars. 

Sincerely yours,
Bayside Acres Firewise Team