Proposed Cell Tower at St. Luke Church

St. Luke Church at 10 Bayview Drive is requesting a Use Permit and Design Review approval to construct a new 30-foot tall wireless communications facility (“WCF”) disguised as a bell tower structure on the grounds of the St. Luke Presbyterian Church lot located in San Rafael. 

The WCF consists of  building a new 12 feet by 12 feet wide and 30 feet tall faux bell tower structure at the front of the church to house and camouflage nine panel antennas (three sets of three antennas), 15 relay radio units (RRUs) and associated equipment cabinets. The WFC and associated equipment would be installed within the proposed faux bell tower and would provide 4G and LTE wireless technology.

FYI: There had been cell antennas on the power pole across Pt. San Pedro Road at the corner of the Loch Lomond Marina site. However, this pole is being removed and not replaced as part of the marina development project.