This news will be most welcome to those living in Chicken Point. The City finally trimmed the ivy on the wall along Pt. San Pedro Road bordering Chicken Point today, Saturday December 3. This has been an item on the Roadway Committee of the Pt. San Pedro Road Coalition for some time. It is only with the perseverance of that group, especially its sub-chair Jim Dickson, that this has finally been done.
Jim Dickson had contact Dave Davenport, who manages the median maintenance contract for the City’s Public Works Department, several times, most recently a couple of days ago. Dave told Jim that the delay in having the work done was caused by some logistical issues associated with having to block off one lane of traffic on the roadway to protect the safety of the workers doing the work. Dave promised Jim that he would work with the median maintenance contractor to arrange a Saturday date to block off the traffic when there is less traffic.
Apparently, Dave was able to arrange for that work to be done today. On behalf of the Bayside Acres HOA Board, we thank the Roadway Committee for their work. When this ivy gets out of hand, it becomes extremely difficult and unsafe to exit Chicken Point when going west.