May 1, 2015 Annual Meeting

The only item on the agenda this year was the election of new Board members. A flyer was sent out March 26 asking if anyone had a subject of direct concern to our HOA that would justify a physical meeting. None was submitted. Therefore a “virtual meeting” was held in which the election was conducted by mail-in ballots. The three incumbents had agreed to run again.

The deadline for returning ballots was May 1. As of May 15, ballot results were:

  • Bayview Region: 41 for Alan Schaevitz.
  • Chicken Point: 46 for David Tattersall.
  • Main / Manzanita: 43 for Stuart Brown.

There were no write-ins.

Balloting was as follows:

StreetVoted Total Parcels % Voted
Bayview Dr.174439
Bayview Dr. S.020
Beach Dr.2922
Main Dr.52421
Manzanita Ave.61346
Marine Dr.31030
Oak Dr.53216
Pt. San Pedro Rd.92832

Based on these results, Brown moved by email that Schaevitz, Tattersall, and Brown be elected to three-year terms ending in 2018. Brown made a second motion that the current Board officers (President – Tattersall; Vice President – Rick Hopper; Secretary – Brown; Treasurer – Mary Sinclair) be retained. Schaevitz seconded both motions. The motions carried unanimously.

At the March 18, 2015 Board meeting two changes to the Bylaws were proposed. These were to be included with the ballot, but inadvertently were omitted. So no action has been taken on these changes.

Respectfully submitted,
Stuart Brown