March 31, 2016 Annual Meeting

The only items on the agenda this year were the election of new Board members and the submission of two amendments to the Bylaws for vote by the Membership. At the BAHOA Board meeting on Feb. 2, 2016, it was agreed to have a “virtual” annual meeting with voting by mail-in ballot. An announcement of the meeting was emailed to homeowners (or hand delivered to those without email) by Feb. 23. The meeting notice and ballot were distributed by hand or regular mail to all homeowners by March 12. Homeowners were requested to return their ballots along with 2016/17 dues of $10 per parcel in a pre-addressed envelope to Secretary Stuart Brown. Payment of dues is required to vote.

The BAHOA directors whose terms were expiring were Rick Hopper (Bayview Drive area), Joe Tyszkiewicz (Main and Manzanita area), and Hal Lauritzen (Chicken Point area). The three incumbents had agreed to run again.

The deadline for returning ballots was March 26. As of March 27, 34 dues-paid ballots were received.

The results for the Board election were:

  • Bayview Region: 30 votes for Rick Hopper.
  • Chicken Point: 29 votes for Hal Lauritzen.
  • Main / Manzanita: 27 votes for Joe Tyszkiewicz.

There were no write-ins.

Amendments to the Bylaws

Two amendments were submitted by the Board (new text in italics, deleted text crossed out:


On the request of at least three Members of the Association, the Board shall appoint a Financial Committee consisting of 2 Members who are not on the Board. The Financial Committee shall review the books of the Association and provide a report to the Membership in the first quarter of each fiscal yearwithin three months after its appointment.

These bylaws may be amended at any time by the vote or written assent of Members constituting two-thirds of the entire membershipMembers who vote on the amendment.

Ballot results: The Section VIII amendment received 28 for, 3 against, and 1 abstention. The Section X amendment received 29 for, 2 against, and 1 abstention.

The current Bylaws require approval by 2/3 of the entire membership. Since the voting membership is now 34, both amendments received enough votes for approval.

Balloting was as follows:

StreetVotedTotal Parcels% Voted
Bayview Dr.124328
Bayview Dr. S.1250
Beach Dr.3933
Main Dr.62425
Manzanita Ave.21315
Marine Dr.11010
Oak Dr.3329
Pt. San Pedro Rd.62821

Based on these results, Brown moved by email that Hopper, Tyszkiewicz, and Lauritzen be elected to three year terms ending in 2019. Brown made a second motion that the current Board officers (President – David Tattersall; Vice President – Rick Hopper; Secretary – Stuart Brown; Treasurer – Mary Sinclair) be retained. Tattersall seconded both motions. The motions carried unanimously by email.

Respectfully submitted,

Stuart Brown