The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 5:05 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Laurie Favaro, Julia Glenister, Ogden Hamilton, Abbie Urban, and Stu Brown. Absent: Mary Sinclair.
- David welcomed Julia to the Board and thanked her for volunteering to replace Rick Hopper, who is moving away.
- Minutes of March 11 Board meeting: Not everyone has received them. Abbie will reissue them and request Board approval by email.
- Treasury Report: David said that the Association made a $200 contribution to the Point San Pedro Road Coalition (PSPRC) Emergency Supplies Fund. Another $200 to PSPRC is pending. This is for our 2019 and 2020 annual contributions to the PSPRC.
- Abbie is now Treasurer and has access to our accounts.
- The calendar for the annual virtual meeting is set. The letter requesting nominations for the Board as well as any issues the Board should address was distributed on March 20, asking for responses by March 29. The dues request and ballot letter is to be distributed by hand on April 2, with a response date of April 16.
- David has contacted Bob Lenz, 2 Beach Drive, and he has offered to run for the Board to replace Mary Sinclair, whose term is expiring and who is not going to run again. However, Bob will withdraw his candidacy if there are other candidates.
- Firewise Bayside Acres:
- It was moved, seconded, and passed to adopt the 2019 Report of the Firewise Bayside Acres Committee (Att. 1).
- There is a Firewise tab on the web page. This is well done, and includes a form for residences to report their expenses for home hardening and clearing defensible space. It is not too late to report 2019 expenses.
- A template for a plan for community outreach in an emergency (Att. 2) was submitted by Ogden. The focus is on outreach to Bayside Acres residents. Discussion ensued.
- There is a need to pair up people who need help during the Covid-19 lockdown with people who can help them. This suggests the need for a phone tree for any emergency (Julia). Also, Nextdoor has a new Group feature which could be used. Many residents of Chicken Point are not Association members, and should have a way to connect (Alan). This might afford a way to encourage them to give us their emails. Laurie said we might include a form with the ballot letter – who needs help, who can give help. Ogden said we would need to decide what to do with the responses.
- Currently there are three types of outreach: the welcome to the neighborhood letter; the annual meeting / ballot; and the summer party.
- Alan noted that Nextdoor has parcel maps showing who has joined Bayside Acres Nextdoor.
- At Stu’s suggestion, the board charged the Firewise Bayside Acres Committee to submit a detailed 2020 outreach plan for adoption by the board.
- Abbie said that is a separate issue from Covid-19.
- Ogden said that in order to get involvement you need to knock on doors. Laurie said we need to address stay-at-home needs now. Stu noted that Mary Love has expressed interest in this and could help.
- Action: Julie offered to start a Nextdoor Group, and get information for the ballot letter. Alan will review the ballot letter with respect to outreach and circulate a revised draft to the Board for review.
- Planning Permit for 193 Oak Drive: Variances have been requested. Colin McRae, a neighbor, has asked if the Board could weigh in on his concerns with the application.
- Asked if the Board should take the issue of variances to the Planning Commission. Abbie said that the County has a height limit which could apply. She noted that the Board can’t be assured it represents everyone if it takes a position. Alternatively, we could inform people and advise on how to contact the County.
- Alan suggested sending out an email. The gist would be that while the Board does not take positions on matters like this, neighbors have asked that everyone be informed. We would limit ourselves to distributing facts. This is reminiscent of the requested lot split at 50 Bayview Drive a few years ago. Stu suggested attaching Colin’s letter to the County.
- The unanimous consensus of the Board was that action with respect to planning applications in Bayside Acres will be limited to advising Bayside Acres residents via our website when applications are pending or active by providing a link to the official information on the County of Marin’s Community Development Department website.
- David noted that when the application is completed, the County should notify neighbors within 300 feet. At that point we could send out information. Action: David will follow up with the County on the status of the application, and also ask to be informed about all completed applications for Bayside Acres.
- Eucalyptus Trees on Main Drive: The Board received a communication from Bert Thunstrom on Manzanita Ave. regarding the hazard presented by the eucalyptus trees on the Main Drive – Manzanita corridor, and advocating their removal. Action: Ogden will contact Sean Rule about this, as well as the City of San Rafael and the County. Julia suggested asking Sean about AmeriCorp, a group that recently cleared a lot on Bayview Drive.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Stuart Brown, Secretary