March 20, 2018 Board Meeting

The Board met at David Tattersall’s home at 26 Beach Drive at 6:16 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Mary Sinclair, Hal Lauritzen, Rick Hopper, Abbie Urban, and Stu Brown. Absent: Laurie Favaro

  • The Board minutes of 3/9/17 and 11/6/17 were approved assubmitted.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Mary reported a current account balance of $3,911.23 in our accounts. The main expenses were for the annual party last August ($656) (see minutes of11/1/17).
  • It was agreed to keep dues for 2018-19 at $10 perparcel.
    • It was moved, seconded and passed (MSP) to give $100 to the Point San Pedro Coalition.
  • AnnualMeeting:
    • Board Membership: The terms of Tattersall, Schaevitz and Brown are expiring. All three agreed to run again for theBoard.
  • The Board agreed to have a virtual meeting again thisyear.
    • It was agreed to distribute by March 22 to BAHOA residents a “Save the Date” letter announcing a virtual meeting, and a) inviting candidates for open Board positions and b) soliciting any issues pertinent to Bayside Acres which should be brought to the Board and/or should be discussed at an in-person meeting. Alan will draft this letter. The letter will be emailed to the Board for approval, and then emailed to property owners, with a request for responses by April 5. Stu will hand deliver a copy of this letter to those for whom we have no emailaddresses.
  • A second letter announcing the virtual meeting, soliciting yearly dues and containing a ballot for Board positions, and including a return envelope addressed to Stu, will be drafted by Alan and hand delivered (Rick Hopper – Bayview Drive; Joe Tyskiewicz – Main and Manzanita; Hal Lauritzen – Marine and Oak Drives; Stu Brown – Point San Pedro Road). The letter should be distributed by April 8. Responses will be requested by April 22, the date of the virtual meeting. Stu will receive and tabulate theresponses.
  • The home at 811 Point San Pedro Road, owned by the Tindell estate, is in disrepair. David has been in communication with Cristy Stanley of the County Community Development Agency. She has issued two letters to the heirs listing violations of County codes. The next step will be a Code Enforcement hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Recently, several abandoned vehicles have been removed from the property; the home has been boarded up; and a sign has been posted notifying of video and audiosurveillance.
  • Point San Pedro Road Coalition Update(Alan):
    • Recent activity involves the Medians Committee and the relocation of the Bettini TransitCenter.
  • The Marin Transit Service is being extended as far as Peacock Drive, oncall.
  • Golden Gate Transit will reactivate Route 31 bus service from Peacock Gap to the Bettini Center and Larkspur Ferry on a six-month trial. There will be two buses in the morning and two in theafternoon.
  • Loch Lomond Marina Development: Alan reported that the developer, MVA, has paused development. The reason why is not clear. MVA has pulled permits to build on existing pads, to move a pile of dirt adjacent to the wetlands, and to rebuild a commercial building on the corner of Loch Lomond Drive and Point San Pedro Road. Also, the permit for a new harbormaster’s office has expired, but that the Community Development Dept. can reactivate it within six months without returning to the PlanningCommission.
  • All the units which are built have occupancy permits. About 30-35 units have been sold.
  • Permit Amendment #5 will be submitted to BCDC. This addresses flooding on the East Jetty (playground) and the connector to the breakwater, a patio for Andy’s Market, a kayak launch ramp, and the fueldock.
  • BAHOA should pay attention to the possibility that the project site could become derelict. The owner is difficult to deal with, and this project is a minor one for the company. David and Abbie discussed possible financial tangles; they will look into the currentfinancing.
  • The curb on eastbound San Pedro Road just before the traffic signal at Lochinvar will be red-striped soon to allow better visibility for cars turning right onto San Pedro from Loch LomondDrive.
  • David and the rest of the Board thanked Alan for all the time he devotes to BAHOA and PSPRC matters.
  • Stuart raised the issue of pedestrian crosswalks across San Pedro Road for Main and Bayview Drives. Given the cost and San Rafael’s intransigence it is unlikely anything will bedone.
  • Annual Party: The consensus was to do this again during the summer at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club, and keep it social. A date for the party was discussed and it was agreed to have it on Sunday, Aug. 19. David will contact the LLYC to book thedate.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stuart Brown