Spartina Spraying

From: Drew Kerr
Treatment Program Manager
San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project
State Coastal Conservancy

I’ve scheduled our 2015 Spartina treatment in your area for Thursday August 6, beginning around 7am in the areas away from the houses in the Chicken Point area.

As you will remember, the target of our efforts is a hybrid, and the cove at Beach Drive has had lots of native cordgrass as well. With the repeated backcrossing between the native and invasive, we sometimes get plants/clones that have to mature before we see their true colors. Apparently that is what happened last year; we thought we only had a handful of targets but more is showing this year. I’m having the contractor bring a truck with a spray rig like we used in the early days. That will be easier to work with than a backpack in the VERY soft mud out there, and will hopefully keep us efficient so we can stay in the necessary time window.