December 8, 2005 Board Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by President David Tattersall.  Present were Stu Brown, Laurie Favaro, Bill Gates, Mary Sinclair, Rick Hopper and Alan Schaevitz.  As 7 of the 9 Board members were present, a quorum was present.

The minutes of the previous Board meeting was approved as written.

Election of the Officers of the Board was held as required in the bylaws.  Voted by acclamation to serve for the next year were:

President: David Tattersall
Vice President: Rick Hopper
Treasurer: Mary Sinclair
Secretary: Sue Wilhelm

A discussion was held on the status and issues regarding the Loch Lomond Marina project.  The letter, written by Sara Jensen, from the Loch Lomond Marina Committee (LLMC) to the City of San Rafael regarding proposed story poles was discussed and it was agreed that Bayside Acres HOA would continue to support the actions of the LLMC.  It was pointed out that the next big effort would revolve around the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), the draft of which is expected in January.

The membership of the HOA was discussed.  Approximately 33% of the residences in the development are members of the HOA.  It was agreed that we should make an effort to raise that percentage to at least 50%.  To that end, a list of addresses and members will be distributed to the Board members and each will make an effort to recruit new members.

The website was discussed and Alan Schaevitz was commended on his efforts to develop and sustain the website for the benefit of the Association.   Alan reviewed the new Discussion Forums feature on the website and urged all Board members to make an effort to monitor and use that feature as well as provide input to the website content.

Stu Brown discussed the issue of disaster preparedness.  He reviewed the activities of the San Pedro Road Coalition and the recent Disaster Area Recovery Training (DART) given to several Coalition members by Yves Masson. Yves has offered to give further training if requested.  Stu agreed to develop a webpage for the website on individual disaster preparedness guidelines.  He is also developing a committee to develop community-wide disaster preparedness procedures and is looking for volunteers.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Wilhelm