Category: BA Plans/Permits
AT&T Postpones Cell Tower Permit Application
From Immanuel Bereket, Marin County Planning Department Zoning Administrator: Please be advised that the applicants for the above referenced application [APPEAL OF PRESBYTERY OF THE REDWOOD (AT&T) USE PERMIT] have a postponement of the appeal currently set to be heard by the Planning Commission on Monday, July 27, 2020. The applicants have also extended the…
Proposed Cell Tower at St. Luke Church
ATT is proposing to install a cell facility at St. Luke’s Church disguised as a bell tower. The available time to voice your position (for, against, neutral) on this project is limited and must be received in writing by May 27th. An audio County planning department hearing is set to occur on May 28th at…
Proposed Cell Tower at St. Luke Church
St. Luke Church at 10 Bayview Drive is requesting a Use Permit and Design Review approval to construct a new 30-foot tall wireless communications facility (“WCF”) disguised as a bell tower structure on the grounds of the St. Luke Presbyterian Church lot located in San Rafael. The WCF consists of building a new 12 feet by…