Category: BA Plans/Permits
Beach Sewer Project Update #6
Following is a communication from the S.R. Sanitation District with Update #6 on the Bayside Acres beach sewer replacement project. Hi Neighbors, Below is the update and answers to many questions. In the meantime, as always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thank you all for your cooperation and patience…
Planned Road Sealant Project on Bayside Acres Roads
The County of Marin is planning to do dig-outs, crack seal and slurry-seal roadways in Bayside Acres as part of their 2023 Road Sealant Project. In advance of this project, the County is requesting any residents who might be doing work that would impact their road (sewer laterals, etc.) to do so by April 15,…
Beach Sewer Project Update #5
Following is a communication from the S.R. Sanitation District with Update #5 on the Bayside Acres beach sewer replacement project.
Bayside Acres Beach Project Update
The San Rafael Sanitation District has provided Update #4 below on the sewer replacement in the eastern end of Chicken Point. You can stay up-to-date with the latest on the main sewer pipeline construction by following the Sanitation District News available on the San Rafael Sewer District website. This project affects several parcels in the eastern portion…
St. Luke Church Plans for Day Care Center
You may be aware that St. Luke Church is applying for a permit to operate a day care center. There will be a Deputy Administrator Hearing on Thursday, November 3. More information can be found in the notice below.
Bayside Acres Beach Sewer Project
You can stay up-to-date with the latest on the main sewer pipeline construction by following the Sanitation District News available on the San Rafael Sewer District website. This project affects several parcels in the eastern portion of Chicken Point. The Sanitation Department intends to provide weekly updates with insight into the following week as to which streets…
Chicken Point Beach Sewer Improvement Project
This is a reminder should you not have received a notice directly from the San Rafael Sewer Department and have an interest in this project. On May 5th the SRSD will hold a Board Meeting at 11:00 AM where the Bayside Acres Beach Sewer Improvements Project will be discussed. This meeting is open to the public…
Bayside Acres Sewer Improvement Project Update and Meetings
This project is to replace a deteriorating sewer line servicing some residences at the east end of Chicken Point. The San Rafael Sanitation District, in charge of this project, will be holding a public meeting (by Zoom) on this project on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 1:00 PM OR Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 6:00…
Childcare Center Proposed for St. Luke Church
An application for a Childcare Center at St. Luke Church as been submitted to the County. This use would require a Conditional Use Permit. The application is under “initial review” by the County Department of Public Works. According to the memo posted, comments from DPW on the merits are to be provided by February 28…
St. Luke Church Cell Tower Appeal September 28, 2020
The AT&T permit request for a cell tower disguised as a bell tower at St. Luke Church (10 Bayview Drive) had been denied by the County Deputy Zoning Administrator on May 28, 2020. The applicant has chosen to appeal that denial to the County Planning Commission. That appeal will be heard on Monday, September 28th…