The following is an email from the S.F. Estuary Invasive Spartina Project:
After two consecutive years with above average rainfall, we have some hybrid Spartina patches to manage at the Beach Drive site. It only totals about 60m2, which is about ½ of a backpack sprayer worth, but as you know it is necessary to keep the rhizomes from expanding and becoming a larger problem.
We have a good window to send a biologist over on Monday September 9 in the morning on our standard low tide for access and the best efficacy.
None of the invasive Spartina is right up on the docks/decks of any of the residences, so that is nice and should reduce any possible disturbance.
Hope that works for you, and sorry for the late notice.
Take care,
Drew Kerr
Treatment Program Manager
San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project