Beach Drive Spartina Treatment Sept. 2, 2022

The following is from the San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project:

The status of the invasive Spartina at Beach Drive is looking very good this season.

There was nothing detected in the pretty little pocket marsh on the north side. In the main southern cove, there was some regrowth or new recruits mapped in 4 small instances where treatment occurred in 2021. Our normal protocol is to treat this in the following year, not being able to distinguish whether they are regrowth from any remaining invasive root/rhizome, or new seedlings from the surrounding native Spartina.

Only about 10 square meters of treatment cover for this season. That’s tiny!

One of my colleagues is going to take care of that next Friday Sept 2.


Drew Kerr
Treatment Program Manager
San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project
1001 42nd Street, Suite 230
Oakland, CA 94608