Author: webmaster
Loch Lomond Cleaners Shifting to Pickup & Delivery as of 5/1/2021
NOTE: The phone numbers in the second paragraph below have been updated. The commercial building at the corner of Loch Lomond Drive and Pt. San Pedro Road, in The Village at Loch Lomond Marina development, will be closing as of April 30, 2020. The remaining property owned by Marina Village Associates (MVA) consisting of the…
March 30, 2021 Board Meeting
The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 5:09 PM on March 30, 2021.
March 26, 2021 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Bayside Acres Homeowners Association (now known as the Bayside Acres Neighborhood Association) was held by email and physical mail. The ballot provided in each venue included the candidates for the three open Board positions and a motion to change the Association name. Following are the minutes of that virtual…
February 16, 2021 Board Meeting
The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 5:06 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Ogden Hamilton, Laurie Favaro, Alan Schaevitz, Julia Glenister, Bob Lenz, Abbie Urban, and Stuart Brown. Absent: Joe Tyszkiewicz The following is the PDF minutes of that meeting.
February 2, 2021 Board Meeting
The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 5:37 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Ogden Hamilton, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Julia Glenister, Bob Lenz, Abbie Urban, and Stuart Brown. Laurie Favaro joined the meeting later. The following is the PDF minutes of that meeting.
Bayside Acres Firewise USA Certificate Available
Some insurance companies are beginning to recognize the value of a community obtaining this certification and offer modest discounts. Some may require it to avoid insurance cancellation. If you insurance needs to see the Bayside Acres Firewise USA certificate, go to the Firewise Certificate page to see and download it.
Chipper Day Redux Oct. 8 Continues the Success
Our first Chipper Day on August 27, 2020 was such a huge success with over 21 residences participating that Firesafe Marin offered a second day on October 7, 2020 (which ended up being October 8). We had over 25 residences registered for this second event. All of this debris being chipped and removed adds to…
St. Luke Church Cell Tower Appeal September 28, 2020
The AT&T permit request for a cell tower disguised as a bell tower at St. Luke Church (10 Bayview Drive) had been denied by the County Deputy Zoning Administrator on May 28, 2020. The applicant has chosen to appeal that denial to the County Planning Commission. That appeal will be heard on Monday, September 28th…
Chipper Day Redux October 7, 2020
The Chipper Day last August 27th was a rousing success! It was so successful that Firesafe Marin has offered a second Chipper Day for our community on October 7, 2020. Registration is open as of today. Go to the Firesafe Marin Chipper Day web page to sign up. You can place a pile up to…
Scheduled Spartina Treatment
From: Drew Kerr <>Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020, 11:38:35 AM PDTSubject: Beach Drive Spartina Hi David [Tattersall], Both the mudflat in the cove and pocket marsh on the north side of Beach Drive look very good this year but do have some small, scattered bits of hybrid Spartina to treat. The stuff is so low in the tidal…