Author: webmaster
SAVE THE DATE: Bayside Acres Evacuation Drill on July 23, 2022
Dear Neighbors, Despite our best Firewise efforts to clear defensible space and harden our homes, we all know that we need to be ready for a worst case wildfire emergency scenario. Wind-blown embers can travel a mile or more. So regardless of whether we live at the top of Bayside Acres bordering the San Pedro…
Chicken Point Beach Sewer Improvement Project
This is a reminder should you not have received a notice directly from the San Rafael Sewer Department and have an interest in this project. On May 5th the SRSD will hold a Board Meeting at 11:00 AM where the Bayside Acres Beach Sewer Improvements Project will be discussed. This meeting is open to the public…
Sign-Up for Free Curbside Chipper Day Pickup; Please Report Your Firewise Activity
It’s not too late to sign-up for a free curbside “Chipper Day” pickup. Bayside Acres has two Chipper Days scheduled for the weeks of June 20th and September 19th. This is a free service sponsored by the Marin Wildlife Prevention Authority (MWPA) to help you prepare for fire season by disposing of low-hanging branches and…
St. Luke Cell Site Plans Cancelled
The AT&T permit request for a cell tower disguised as a bell tower at St. Luke Church (10 Bayview Drive) had been denied by the County Deputy Zoning Administrator on May 28, 2020. The applicant chose to appeal that denial to the County Board of Supervisors, which was again denied on September 28, 2020. Subsequent…
2022 BANA Elections
The Bayside Acres Neighborhood Association held a vote via online balloting closing on March 31, 2022. The ballot was for three open positions on the BANA Board as well as amendments to the BANA Bylaws. The result of those votes were tallied and validated by the Board at a Board meeting on April 11, 2022.…
March 3, 2022 Board Meeting
The BANA Board met on March 3, 2022 at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club. Following are the minutes of that meeting:
ANNOUNCING: A New Firewise Newsletter – Issue #1
Our first Bayside Acres Firewise Newsletter is packed with four pages of time-sensitive resources and information. Our dry winter and gusty winds may have you wondering what you can do to protect your home from wildfire. Northern California’s official fire season begins in June, but there’s plenty to do now. And resources to help you. Did you…
Bayside Acres Sewer Improvement Project Update and Meetings
This project is to replace a deteriorating sewer line servicing some residences at the east end of Chicken Point. The San Rafael Sanitation District, in charge of this project, will be holding a public meeting (by Zoom) on this project on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 1:00 PM OR Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 6:00…
Letter to County on Lane Reduction Proposal
Below is a letter that the BANA Board sent to the Marin County DPW regarding the proposed pilot to reduce the number of traffic lanes eastbound on Pt. San Pedro Road. The lane reduction would occur starting at the signaled intersection at Loch Lomond Dr/Lochinvar and extend to Riviera Dr. where the eastbound roadway is…
Board Nominations Request
Below is a letter that was sent to the BANA email list (and hand delivered to those few parcels for which we do not have an email on file).