Author: webmaster

  • A Firewise Update

    Dear Neighbors, One of the challenges of living on the edge of Marin’s scenic open space and 1,515 acres of China Camp State Park is that it necessitates constant attention to wildfire preparedness. The good news is California’s 2023 fire season is nearly over. We can’t predict 2024’s fire season, but California’s defensible space and home…

  • Beach Sewer Project Update #9

    Following is a communication from the S.R. Sanitation District with Update #9 on the Bayside Acres beach sewer replacement project. Previous updates can be found in the BA Plans & Permits post archives. Hello Bayside Acres Residents, Please find attached Update No. 9 which includes information about the progress on the construction drawings and permitting, etc. for…

  • Eucalyptus Grove Work on Main Drive

    We apologize for the late notice, but we just learned of this planned work today which will commence tomorrow (Tuesday 8/29/23). Select trees and branches are to be removed and there will be some traffic impact on Main Drive during the project. This work is a direct result of the coordination of your Bayside Acres Firewise…

  • BANA BBQ Party Was a Blast!

    The Annual BANA BBQ Summer Party on Sunday August 20 was very successful with attendance of over 50 people. Burgers and dogs were plentiful, the weather was perfect, and everyone appeared to have a good time. Neighbors met other neighbors for the first time, or became reacquainted after a long interval (some not since the…

  • Bayside Acres Firewise Updates

    Hi Neighbors, We have several items to cover in this newsletter. I apologize that it is not in the beautiful format of previous newsletters since our Chair, Julia, is on a trip in Europe and she is the one with all that talent. However, this information is timely and shouldn’t be delayed, so let’s press…

  • Register for the BANA Annual BBQ Party

    Your BANA Board of Directors is pleased to be able to once again hold our annual BBQ party at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club on Sunday, August 20, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We look forward to seeing all of you there and getting re-acquainted with our neighbors and friends. To attend, your residence…

  • Beach Sewer Project Update #8

    Following is a communication from the S.R. Sanitation District with Update #8 on the Bayside Acres beach sewer replacement project. Previous updates can be found in the BA Plans & Permits post archives. Hello Bayside Acres Residents, Please find attached Update No. 8 which includes information about home groupings and scheduling of the ongoing Bayside…

  • BANA Summer BBQ Party – Save the Date

    The BANA Board has set Sunday, August 20, 2023, for our annual summer party. At long last, after COVID and whatever, we are getting together as a community once again. It will be held at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club from 4 – 7pm. Save the date on your calendar now! If you have not…

  • April 19, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

    The BANA Board met on April 19, 2023, at the the home of Board President, David Tattersll. Following are the minutes of that meeting:

  • Beach Sewer Project Update #7

    Following is a communication from the S.R. Sanitation District with Update #7 on the Bayside Acres beach sewer replacement project. Hi Neighbors, Below is the update and answers to many questions. Hopefully, the links at the bottom work for you.  Please let us know if you are still unable to access these links. The alternative is…