Author: webmaster

  • Pt. San Pedro Road Repavement Update

    The repaving is completed and the work to “raise iron” is underway. That is where all manholes and such are raised and the surround is resurfaced to be flush with the new roadway. The final step will be striping which is scheduled for July 14, 2014. Of concern to us and our neighbors was the…

  • April 9, 2014 Annual Meeting

    The only item on the agenda this year was the election of new Board members. A flyer was sent out March 9 asking if anyone had a subject of direct concern to our HOA that would justify a physical meeting. None was submitted. Therefore a “virtual meeting” was held in which the election was conducted…

  • Bayview Drive Repavement Update

    According to the County Dept. of Public Works the repaving work on Bayview Drive are now scheduled for October 9, 10 and 11. The entire roadway is to be repaved from Pt. San Pedro Road to the fire trail.

  • Burglary Attempt

    The following is from a neighbor in Bayside Acres. This was also sent on our email list. If you did not receive it by email and wish to be on the Bayside Acres HOA email list (you must live in the subdivision), please notify the webmaster. I just wanted to alert our community (maybe my wife…

  • November 5, 2012 Board Meeting

    The Board met at David Tattersall’s home at 6:30 PM. Present were:  David Tattersall, Stuart Brown, Sue Wilhelm, Rick Hopper, Alan Schaevitz, Bill Gates, and Joe Tyszkiewicz.  Absent:  Mary Sinclair and Laurie Favaro. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the email David received from Greg Wasserman, Player Agent for the San Rafael Little League. The email asked…

  • April 25, 2012 Annual Meeting

    The meeting was called to order by President David Tattersall at 6:40 PM in the meeting room at the Loch Lomond Yacht Club in San Rafael. Twenty-seven people attended.  The minutesof the “virtual” meeting of April 13, 2011 were approved as submitted. Status of Membership: Stuart Brown reported that at the close of the last fiscal…

  • December 2, 2006 Annual Meeting

    The meeting was called to order by President, David Tattersall at 10:05 AM in the Bayview Meeting Room at St. Luke’s Church. David introduced himself and then introduced…

  • August 29, 2006 Board Meeting

    President David Tattersall called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM in his home at 26 Beach Drive. Present were:  David Tattersall, Laurie Favaro, Stuart Brown, Alan Schaevitz, Bill Gates, Rick Hopper and Susan Wilhelm Absent:  Bruce MacPhail OLD BUSINESS Website Update: Alan reminded David to let the County know to send all e-mails regarding building permits issued in…

  • December 8, 2005 Board Meeting

    The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm by President David Tattersall. Present were Stu Brown, Laurie Favaro, Bill Gates, Mary Sinclair, Rick Hopper and Alan Schaevitz…

  • October 20, 2005 Annual Meeting

    The meeting was called to order by President, David Tattersall, at 7:15 pm in the meeting room at St. Luke’s Church. He gave a brief description of our association for new members and explained…