Author: webmaster
Fire Prevention Work in the Era of COVID-19
The following was sent out on our HOA email list. In case you are not on that list, here is that email. If you are an owner or resident within Bayside Acres are are not on the email list, please contact our Secretary at to correct that oversight.
April 16, 2020 Virtual Annual General Meeting
This meeting was “conducted” by email and consisted only of a vote on three Board seats. This are the minutes documenting the result of that vote and “meeting.” MINUTESBayside Acres Homeowner’s AssociationAnnual MeetingApril 16, 2020 The only item on the agenda this year was the election of new Board members. At the BAHOA Board meeting…
March 26, 2020 Board Meeting
The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 4:08 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Laurie Favaro, Julia Glenister, and Stu Brown. Absent: Ogden Hamilton, Mary Sinclair, Abbie Urban. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a proposal from Alan to use online voting in this year’s annual meeting and Board…
March 24, 2020 Board Meeting
The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 5:05 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Laurie Favaro, Julia Glenister, Ogden Hamilton, Abbie Urban, and Stu Brown. Absent: Mary Sinclair. David welcomed Julia to the Board and thanked her for volunteering to replace Rick Hopper, who is moving away. Minutes of March 11…
March 11, 2020 Board Meeting
The Board met at David Tattersall’s home at 26 Beach Drive at 6:00 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Mary Sinclair, Ogden Hamilton, and Abbie Urban. Laurie Favaro participated telephonically. Absent: Stu Brown. Board minutes of 5/30/19 were approved as submitted. Mary reported that we have $4,048.49 in the Association’s bank account.…
Bayside Acres HOA Voting Underway
The window is open for renewing your HOA voluntary membership and voting on Board members for the Board positions up for election. Voting ends at end-of-day April 16. You should have received both a paper ballot in your mailbox as well as an email notice (and a reminder email) with a link to the online…
Firewise Assessment Document for Bayside Acres
Our Firewise Committee has completed its documentation of the assessment of wildfire conditions for Bayside Acres for submission to Firewise USA. This submission, if accepted, will label our subdivision as a Firewise-compliant neighborhood. This, in turn, will facilitate various levels of support for fire prevention actions by local fire-fighting and disaster preparedness governmental agencies, including…
Julia Glenister Joins the Board
Our neighbors and friends, Rich Hopper and David Grega, are moving to their second home in Calistoga. We will sorely miss them in the community. Rick is a member of the Bayside Acres HOA Board of Directors and has been a great contributor, not to mention his skill at the BBQ at our Summer HOA…
Proposed Cell Tower at St. Luke Church
St. Luke Church at 10 Bayview Drive is requesting a Use Permit and Design Review approval to construct a new 30-foot tall wireless communications facility (“WCF”) disguised as a bell tower structure on the grounds of the St. Luke Presbyterian Church lot located in San Rafael. The WCF consists of building a new 12 feet by…
Construction Noise at the Loch Lomond Marina Development Site
This morning (Friday, January 24, 2020) at around 6:00am many residents surrounding the development site at the Loch Lomond Marina on Pt. San Pedro Road were awakened by loud and continuous noise. It appears to have emanated from the Loch Lomond Marina development. If true, this violates the developer’s permits and should be reported to…