August 20, 2017 Board Meeting

At the Board meeting of March 9, 2017 it was suggested that we make the party free to dues-paying members, as was done last year. The consensus was to do this. A date for the party was agreed to for Sunday, Aug. 20. David later contacted the Loch Lomond Yacht Club and booked the date.

At the suggestion of Secretary Stuart Brown by email on July 15, 2017, it was agreed to plan the party by email in lieu of having a Board meeting. Brown proposed:

  • That the party be held from 4 PM to 7 PM, with setup starting at 3 PM and cleanup ending around 8 PM.
  • Provisions and Supplies: Mary Sinclair to organize, aided by David Tattersall and Abbie Urban as necessary. Purchases to be made at Costco, Party Time, and Andy’s Market. Stu to email Andy letting him know about thedate.
  • Kitchen Setup and Food Preparation: Joe Tyskiewicz, Abbie and Alan Schaevitz. Mary will ask Andrew Sinclair toassist.
  • Cooking: Rick Hopper and Laurie Favaro, with backup from Hal Lauritzen andAndrew.
  • Reception and Check-In: Stu and Mary. Mary to ask Joan Wright toassist.
  • Cleanup:All.
  • Notice: Alan to update last year’s one-page colored notice and preview with Stu, and then email it as a “Save the Date by July 23 to those on our roster with email. Hard copies to be distributed before Aug.1 to mailboxes by Joe (Main Drive and Manzanita), Rick (Bayview Drive), Hal (Beach, Oak, and Marine Drives), and Stu (Pt. San Pedro Road). The notice to request responses to Stu by Aug.15.

This proposal was accepted by the Board.

At the suggestion of Laurie, the party notices were customized so that notices to each area (Chicken Point, Bayview Drive, Main / Manzanita) were signed by the Board members in that area.

The party was held as planned and was deemed a success: 56 people attended. We had 58 reserved, of which 18 were no-shows. 16 came without reserving. Fourteen parcels paid dues, bringing us to 71 paid members for the year. Cash received: party – $25; dues – $140.

Mary reported total costs for the party of $656.49:

  • Copying -$60.00
  • Groceries -$226.49
  • From Andy’s Market -$120.00
  • LLYC Club Fee -$250.00

Respectfully submitted,

Stuart Brown