April 16, 2020 Virtual Annual General Meeting

This meeting was “conducted” by email and consisted only of a vote on three Board seats. This are the minutes documenting the result of that vote and “meeting.”

Bayside Acres Homeowner’s Association
Annual Meeting
April 16, 2020

The only item on the agenda this year was the election of new Board members. At the BAHOA Board meeting of March 11, 2020, it was agreed to have a “virtual” annual meeting with voting by mail-in ballot, as has been done for the past five years. At the March 24 Board meeting, the calendar for the annual virtual meeting was set. The letter requesting nominations for the Board as well as any issues the Board should address was distributed on March 20, asking for responses by March 29. The dues request and ballot letter was to be distributed by hand on April 2, with a response date of April 16. Dues will remain at $10/parcel. 

A special meeting of the Board was held on March 26, during which the Board adopted a suggestion by Alan Schaevitz to set up online voting for this year’s election, in addition to the traditional paper ballots. The ballot was not available on the BAHOA website in order to prevent voting by non-residents. A “donation” button allowed online payment of dues by PayPal or credit card. The hard-copy letter ballot included instructions for the option of online voting.

The BAHOA directors whose terms were expiring were Laurie Favaro (Main and Manzanita area), Mary Sinclair (Chicken Point area), and Abbie Urban (Bayview Drive area). Laurie and Abbie had agreed to run again. Mary is retiring from the Board after many years of service. David Tattersall had contacted Bob Lenz, 2 Beach Drive, who said he would run to fill Mary’s seat. A one paragraph biography of Bob was included with the ballots. 

The deadline for returning ballots was April 16. At the conclusion of the election, 59 parcels (36%) had paid dues, and 57 ballots were received. Three other ballots, 2 online and one by mail, were received but without the required dues payment.  

The results for the Board election were:

  • Bayview Region: 52 votes for Abbie Urban. 
  • Chicken Point: 53 votes for Bob Lenz.
  • Main / Manzanita: 51 votes for Laurie Favaro.

There were no write-ins.

Balloting was as follows:

 Street Voted Total Parcels % Voted
Bayview Dr.164337
Bayview Dr. S.1250
Beach Dr.6967
Main Dr.102442
Manzanita Ave.61346
Marine Dr.21020
Oak Dr.93228
Pt. San Pedro Rd.72825

The total ballots are a 54% increase over 2019.

A number of ballots included concerns that voters brought to the attention of the Board:

  1. Bert Thunstrom, 45 Manzanita: “Still worried about the Eucalyptus and Acacia hazard for fire and falling branches causing injury and road obstruction which would seal off access in Bayside Acres.”
  2. Kristen Williams, 40 Bayview Drive: “Concern re church noise (the shelter in place has been wonderful for lack of loud sermons) and also concern re the ATT bell tower at the church. Thanks!”
  3. Karin Hern, 181 Oak: “I would like to see more activity that includes member meetings with the board during the calendar or fiscal year so that we all can get to know others and share ideas and action plans to enhance neighborhood protections and improvements.”
  4. Tony Porter, 100 Bayview Drive: “That our neighborhood have no further commercial enterprises, like the 3 treatment facilities we now have. I think we’d all rather live among individuals + families and not among transients through a profit-seeking entity.”
  5. Fran Freedman, 130 Bayview Drive: “Pt. San Pedro traffic build-up trying to enter 101-S.”
  6. Peter Stack, 51 Beach Drive: “The ivy on the center divide of Pt. San Pedro Rd. betw. Beach and Marine Drives. Is there a possibility of attaching a traffic mirror on the retaining wall under the church? It seems there used to be one decades ago.”
  7. Heidi Pay, 140 Main Drive: “We have large trees on Main Drive that present a fire hazard. Also we need to know how to get through ate at fire road in case of emergency evacuation.”

Respectfully submitted,

Stuart Brown / Secretary