Eucalyptus Grove Work on Main Drive

We apologize for the late notice, but we just learned of this planned work today which will commence tomorrow (Tuesday 8/29/23). Select trees and branches are to be removed and there will be some traffic impact on Main Drive during the project. This work is a direct result of the coordination of your Bayside Acres Firewise Committee and the S.R. Fire Dept. This is in addition to the fire ladder fuel reduction that was completed earlier on this grove. Below is the email we just received from Kate Anderson, Hazard Mitigation Coordinator for the City of San Rafael.

Julia Glenister
Chair, Bayside Acres Firewise Committee

From: Kate Anderson <>
Subject: Main Drive eucalyptus tree work
Date: August 28, 2023
To: Julia Glenister <>

Hi Julia,
I wanted to keep you informed about the upcoming work we have planned for Bayside Acres. After contracting an arborist to assess the eucalyptus grove, SRFD will continue to work to improve safety and continue mitigating fire risk. The Main Drive Eucalyptus Safety Project will begin tomorrow, August 29th using The Tree Man as our contractor. The project will span approximately 3-4 days and will have moderate traffic impacts. Crews may need to temporarily halt 2-way traffic when lowering large branches or falling a tree for safety. Trees 14 inches in diameter that lean towards the road will be removed, and trees with unstable branches over the road will be pruned.
Feel free to reach out to me or Calvin with any questions about the work.
Kate Anderson, RPF | City of San Rafael
Hazard Mitigation Coordinator
Fire Department
1375 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Office: (415) 485-3327
Cell: (628) 269-8515