March 26, 2020 Board Meeting

The Board convened virtually using ZOOM software at 4:08 PM. Present were: David Tattersall, Joe Tyszkiewicz, Alan Schaevitz, Laurie Favaro, Julia Glenister, and Stu Brown. Absent: Ogden Hamilton, Mary Sinclair, Abbie Urban.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a proposal from Alan to use online voting in this year’s annual meeting and Board member election.

  • Alan explained that the idea was suggested by online forms he had set up for the Firewise reporting on the BAHOA website and by work for the Marin County Grand Jurors’ Association. This could be easier since physical ballots would only be distributed to those residences without email. It might elicit more votes and more members paying dues. Residents would not need to physically fill out a paper ballot, insert their dues (check or money) and mail it back. It would all be done online. The plug-in on the form populates an online database, which can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet giving the names, addresses, and vote selections of responders.
  • Dues: Payment options could include PayPal, Venmo or credit card (small charge to process). There could be an option to mail a check to Stu. Stu asked if it could be set up so that the ballot was accessible only after dues were paid. Alan was not sure. There might be a progression from the dues payment to a thank-you page, and then to the ballot.
  • David suggested that we might have a trial with just the Board participating.
  • Ogden had suggested by email that for this year we do both – online voting and hard-copy distribution to all residents as we have done in the past. There was general agreement on this.
  • Alan noted that the ballot would not be available on the BAHOA website (which could encourage voting by non-residents). However, a PayPal button could be put on the website to allow payment of dues.
  • The hard-copy letter ballot should mention the option of online voting. An advantage would be that if some without email voted online, we would get their emails.
  • It was moved, seconded, and passed (MSP) to proceed with both the hard-copy letter ballot distribution as in the past and an email invitation to vote online. Hard-copy distribution will be done by Julia (Bayview and South Bayview), Ogden (both sides of PSPR), Joe (Main and Manzanita), and David (Beach, Oak, Marine Drives).
  • It was MSP to include free attendance at the summer party for 2 persons / residence for those who pay the $10 dues. This information will be included in the letter / email ballot.
  • Action: Alan will put the process together. The online URL will be included in the hard-copy letter. The planned dates of April 2 distribution and April 16 reply deadline may need to be changed.
  • Stu asked about how to avoid multiple voting. He will need to check the spreadsheet from online as well as the ballots returned by mail.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Stuart Brown, Secretary